Mental Health

Mental Health

Keeping mental health in the “green zone” will increase performance, resilience and sustainability. This is true weather we are talking a civilian contractor in a risk area, a military unit in a warzone or a company, in a completely civil environment. We do not solely address military or military related business, the same strategies apply to companies and organizations regardless of area.

What and Why?

Organizations in areas where there are objectively high mental loads tend to direct focus on those areas. However many professionals are prepared and equipped to deal with the reality they face. It might even be something that they seek. Stressors doesn’t always take on the form that you expect, therefore one must have an open mind and find the impetrators that are relevant. A first responder might not be affected by the work itself but stressed from lengthy administrative procedures. knowing what to target is key to a sucsessfull intervention. 

In organizations we work with the PWELT toolset. It is a weekly measure of “combat fitness”

or “work fitness” if one prefers. By assessing the workload and resource balance we get a valid picture of the current fitness level. It also address selected impact factors providing support in managing any imbalances.